
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Bed wrassler

Here's the little Punkinator wrassling with her kitty bed. This seems to be her new sport these days. She flips the thing over on top of herself and bites and kicks it.

What I love the most about Tulip kitty is how sweet and gentle she is...

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

4-legged scarf

Kitty woke up early this morning and jumped up on the bed. She was full of purrs and head-butts. I gave her just a quick pet because I didn't feel like getting bit first thing in the morning. That's when she decided to come up any lay on me. Right across my neck. Like a scarf. 10 pound Tulip kitty. I was actually pretty honored, so I didn't want to turn her away. She laid there for quite a while. The whole time I was waiting for her to turn around and bite my face, but she didn't. It was pretty cute, but not very relaxing. I guess she finally had enough of me moving, trying to breathe, so she got down. She was actually pretty sweet. She saved my bite for when I was getting dressed for work.


Monday, November 26, 2007

Blind TV

Last night after I had just climbed into bed I was treated to, "The cat is behind the TV" coming from the other room. Our craptastic TV sits in a low cutout in the living room wall. The TV is quite a bit smaller than the cutout, so there are a few DVDs, some books and assorted other crap filling in the space around it. My little fur angel decided it would be fun to cram herself through the remaining tiny space to get up in the shelf behind the TV. Because apparently that's how blind cats watch TV. From behind. By the time I got back out of bed and out to the living room she was casually strolling back out from under the TV. Punk!

This morning as I was drinking my coffee, she decided she'd give it another try. So Eve got to start off her day by hearing me yell, "Tu! Get outta there! KITTY!!!!" And so we started another fun-filled day.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Kitty Thanksgiving

Tulip was very interested in all the activity and smells on Thanksgiving morning. We got up early to straighten up the house a bit, then we started cooking. We baked some pies, cooked some garlic mashed potatoes with leeks, butternut squash, stuffing. Kitty's little, pink nose was going a hundred miles an hour. She kept swinging by the kitchen to see what was going on.

Evie's parents came over for dinner. Tulip kitty hid out for most of the day. Every once in a while she poked her head out to see what was going on.

While we were eating, kitty sat in the hallway by the kitchen. She was either hungry or feeling really brave. Eve gave her a plate with a few bites of turkey on it, which she inhaled. After dinner she ran past the table into the living room, where she sat and listened in on our conversations. At one point she let mom get close enough for a quick pet. She's slowly warming up.

After mom and dad left, we watched TV for a while. The next thing I knew it was 1 AM, so we went to bed. I carried kitty into the bedroom and plopped her on the bed. She curled up in a ball between us and went right to sleep. I think she had a pretty good day.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Kitty chase

Happy Thanksgiving everybody! We're so thankful for having the best (and funniest) mini-tiger ever. She doesn't know it yet, but she might get just a little taste of Thanksgiving dinner.

And now it's time for the much-hyped, new Tulip kitty video. We watched it again this morning and it still made me crack up. Hopefully it was worth the wait. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Creepy Christmas!

I thought we could kick off the Christmas season a bit early this year with this little gem. If this isn't the creepiest thing you ever saw...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Meow me

I spend most of my day sitting in front of a computer, so I thought it might be fun to add a meebo widget to the blog. That way Tulip kitty fans can see if I'm signed in and send me an instant message. At the bottom of the right-hand sidebar is a "Meow me" widget. If you feel like it, send a meow my way. If I'm not busy, I'll meow you back.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Video teaser

Hi guys.
We have a really funny Tulip "kitteo" coming soon. I hope to post it in the next couple of days. Eve and I laughed so hard we cried when we saw it. Hopefully y'all will enjoy it too.

Stay tuned!

Kitty gone wild

Man, Tulip was wild this morning! Come to think of it, she was pretty wild last night too. She was squawking and running around the bedroom. She was batting Pom around under the bed. On the bed, off the bed, on the bed. Thank god she finally settled down.

This morning she was at it again. MREEEEOOOOOOOOW! She was spinning herself around on the bed, pouncing on nothing. I finally tossed Tiggy Tiger to her so I wouldn't get attacked. She grabbed him and flipped herself over, right off the bed. Take it easy girl! We don't need a visit to Dr. Cote.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Kitty vs. Pom

Tulip kitty has some new toys. We've been keeping an eye out for more fabric balls like the one Jan got her a while back. That seems to be her favorite toy of all. Well, we found some that are similar. They came in a little fish-shaped mesh bag along with a couple mice and a pom pom. That idea hadn't occurred to me! We decided to save the rest of the toys and gave her the pom pom. It was pretty darn cute to watch because sometimes she appeared to not hear it when it rolled by. Poms are tricky! As you can see, she's quickly getting the hang of it.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Back to bed

Tulip kitty got up this morning with me and had breakfast. While I sat on the couch and drank my coffee, I realized that she had disappeared. I didn't even hear her. I thought that was a little strange, but I let it go. After coffee, I went to the bedroom to find something to wear. That's when I discovered that kitty went back to bed. She stuffed her face, then went back to her kitty bed to sleep. Apparently she stayed up until 3:30 with Evie and she was still tired. It looks like the party animal can't hang!

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Kitty appreciates bad singing

Last night when I got in bed, Tulip got into her kitty bed on the floor nearby. She was kneading on her bed and purring away.

When our old cat Dee used to do that, I would start singing Steppenwolf's "Born to be Wild" to him. The purring noise was him revving his motorcycle... Yeah, long story...

Anyway, out of habit, I started singing "Born to be Wild". Kitty was so interested in this that she stopped kneading. She sat up, perked up her ears and listened. She was doing that cute scanning movement she does when she's listening really hard. It's almost like she's trying to see with her ears. Anyway, she sat through the whole song listening intently. I already discovered a while back that kitty likes music. Who knew she would appreciate with god-awful singing? She's so cool.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Messing with Bob - sequel

Eve didn't believe me that Tulip was getting up every morning to mess with Bob. I can't imagine how Eve slept through kitty crinkling the plastic and me yelling at her. In any case, I told Eve I would wake her up so she could join the festivities the next morning.

Sure enough, Tulip kitty was at it the next morning.

"Evie. Tulip's messing with Bob."


"Tulip's messing with Bob."

"Is that what that was? I thought that was part of my dream. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..."

And so I shooed kitty away from Bob for the millionth time. She jumped up on the bed with a chirp, got a pet, then left again. As soon as I dozed off, I could hear weird scratchy noises.

"Evie. What the F is Tulip doing now?"


"Don't you hear that? What the hell is she doing?"

"She's standing on her back legs, feeling around on top of the dresser."

When kitty heard me sit up, she ran off. She knows I'm going to eat her soon.

When I got up on the morning, I happened to notice a new surprise on the dresser. Teeny, tiny claw marks all along the front edge. Someone could just barely reach and was trying to grab whatever she could find up there. You know what's up there, Tu? A knuckle sandwich.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Messing with Bob

Tulip has been so naughty the last few mornings. Around 3:30 AM she gets up, goes over to Bob (our ficus tree), and starts crinkling the plastic bag we put on there to keep her out of the plant. It wakes me up, I scold her, she runs away, I lay down, she starts in all over again. One of these days I'm going to eat her for breakfast.

This morning, after playing that game for almost an hour she started making all kinds of noise. She was up on my nightstand walking around and bumping into things. Kitty! It's sleep time! I scolded her again, so she finally came back on the bed and flopped down next to me (complete with one of her little disgusted sighs). She went to sleep just in time for the alarm clock to go off. And yes, yes I did wake her up. How's that, kitty?

I love Tulip.

Monday, November 5, 2007

I feel like chicken tonight

I was at my office yesterday doing homework for most of the day. On my way home I decided to grab a roasted chicken for dinner. Miss Tulip was quite interested in sampling the chicken when we sat down to eat. I didn't realize a cat could move her nose so much. She was sniffing with all her little kitty might. I don't really believe in feeding pets people food, so I wasn't going to give her any. I think she knew that. After we finished eating, I was pulling the rest of the meat off of the chicken carcass when I accidentally dropped a piece on the floor. Tulip was running around in circles, trying to find that piece of chicken. She was going crazy! She could smell it, but obviously couldn't see where it was. I couldn't take it any more, so I pointed her to it. She absolutely inhaled it. Kitty want chicken!

I swear she willed me to drop that piece of chicken...

Friday, November 2, 2007

Smell fangs article!

Janet sent me a link to an article about smell fangs! Who knew there was such a thing (besides Janet)? You can check it out here: Smelling with an Open Mouth.

So does that mean my eyelids smell like urine? Is Tulip kitty really a guy? So many unanswered questions...

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Last night I was sitting at the table doing homework. I heard Tulip building a sandcastle in the litterbox. It seemed like she was digging in there for an hour. Finally she came out of the bathroom. She zoomed around, then came up short to a screeching halt. Then she did it again, and again. I noticed that I kept hearing this weird little thumping noise every time she did it.

I finally saw her zoom past and noticed a little turd hanging from a piece of my hair, which was hanging out of her butt. Every time she stopped short, the little turd swung and bounced off the floor. Now seriously. Is this what I need? I had to get Eve to help me round her up so I could pull the damn thing off. It was just so goddamn gross. Then I spent the next 20 minutes inspecting the floor for turd marks. Happy Halloween to you too, kitty!