
Monday, November 26, 2007

Blind TV

Last night after I had just climbed into bed I was treated to, "The cat is behind the TV" coming from the other room. Our craptastic TV sits in a low cutout in the living room wall. The TV is quite a bit smaller than the cutout, so there are a few DVDs, some books and assorted other crap filling in the space around it. My little fur angel decided it would be fun to cram herself through the remaining tiny space to get up in the shelf behind the TV. Because apparently that's how blind cats watch TV. From behind. By the time I got back out of bed and out to the living room she was casually strolling back out from under the TV. Punk!

This morning as I was drinking my coffee, she decided she'd give it another try. So Eve got to start off her day by hearing me yell, "Tu! Get outta there! KITTY!!!!" And so we started another fun-filled day.

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