
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Kitty appreciates bad singing

Last night when I got in bed, Tulip got into her kitty bed on the floor nearby. She was kneading on her bed and purring away.

When our old cat Dee used to do that, I would start singing Steppenwolf's "Born to be Wild" to him. The purring noise was him revving his motorcycle... Yeah, long story...

Anyway, out of habit, I started singing "Born to be Wild". Kitty was so interested in this that she stopped kneading. She sat up, perked up her ears and listened. She was doing that cute scanning movement she does when she's listening really hard. It's almost like she's trying to see with her ears. Anyway, she sat through the whole song listening intently. I already discovered a while back that kitty likes music. Who knew she would appreciate with god-awful singing? She's so cool.

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