As a follow up to the last post, the Enya story in Evie's own words:
I usually work without listening to anything but the voices in my
head. The absence of music or TV noise makes for a stressful work
environment sometimes. Yet, I feel too busy to get up off of my
chair and put a CD in the player. Once I start my work in the day,
I am full steam ahead and not many things can deter me from doing
anything else. This is not always a good quality. In the instance
of not listening to music, I end up being more stressed than I
should be because I have nothing else to distract my thinking and
state of mind but my own brain chatter, which doesn't always help
the challenging situations I have to deal with every second.
All of that to say that yesterday I forced myself to put on a CD
before I began my work. I didn't want to listen to the usual genre
of music that I listen to on my iPod at the gym or in my car. I
needed something to calm my nerves instead of inflate them. As I
was looking through the case full of CDs, I saw the familiar Enya
CD cover. I remembered it as one of the first CDs I listened to
with Renee when we first met. So for old time's sake, I decided I
would play it and hope that it wouldn't result in me wanting to
take a nap on my desk. I'm used to listening to faster beat, even
angry music.
I set the Enya CD to "repeat all". Another of one of what I call
inconveniences is having to press play every 30 minutes. Those come
by so quickly that I will go hours with silence before I realize
that the music has stopped playing. And when I do set it to play
till the end of time, I hardly ever notice that I've listened to
the same song every 30 minutes for the past 10 hours.
Soon after Renee left for her work day, I walked through the house
once over to verify the windows were open, etc. As I did that, I
wondered where Tu was, as I didn't see her in any of the usual
places. She wasn't in her bed in the bedroom, nor in the bed in the
livingroom, nor on her couch, nor in her tiger den, nor on the top
of her tree house.
I don't know why, when I can't find her in those places that I
think to myself, "Tu must have left for the day and didn't bother
to tell anyone." My mind begins to imagine her on her motorcycle
riding up the coast with our old cat, D. Don't ask why I drift off
to those images every single time I can't find her initially. I
don't have an answer for you.
I went back to the office and as I was looking over the piles of
stuff on the bed, I see her lying in between the piles. She's
sleeping like a sweet angel. It has been a while since she hung out
with me while I worked. I thought it to be a little unusual but
pleasantly surprising. Without another thought, I decided I needed
to get back to work. I had my back to her while I sat at the
Hours go by and I decide to walk around a little to get my mind
fresh again. I see she's still peacefully curled up on the bed
sleeping, only a foot or so from the CD playing Enya. The volume
was pretty loud. If I have music on while I work, I have to turn it
up a bit so that I might actually hear some of it throughout the
day. Again, I didn't think much of her sleeping only to think how
cute it was.
Lunchtime comes and goes. I had the rest of the black beans from
yesterday with some tortilla chips. It's just a little something to
keep me from freaking out over hunger at 3pm. She was a little
interested in my crunching on the chips but didn't move from her
spot. She only stood her head up till I finished eating, which
probably took 5 minutes. The she laid her head down again to resume
her sleeping. Yes, Enya was still playing.
Now at this point, I finally got that she liked Enya's music. And I
was tickled pink to realize that. I felt bad in turning it off on
my way out later that afternoon. But I resolved the conflict by
remembering that she had just gotten 7 hours of sleep from it.
A long story to say that: Tu likes Enya! She has good taste in