
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Naughty girl

On Saturday I was cleaning the bathroom. I moved Tulip's litterbox out to the main part of the bathroom while I cleaned, because it was in my way. As I was working away, I noticed a scratch, scratch, scratch and the tell-tale tssssss of fine grains kitty litter bouncing on the floor. I looked over and watched as Tulip sat outside her litterbox and flung kitty litter all over the place. She'd flick it with her paw onto the floor. Then she'd cock her head to the side and listen with that goofy kitty smile on her face. Apparently she liked the sound of it hitting the floor. She thought it was great fun. Punk!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh figures! :) Kitty apparently likes to turn the bathroom into a beach. Hehehe.