Saturday, December 29, 2007
Mama, I'm stuck
Tulip kitty got up in the crows nest of her tree house last night. She curled up in the top, and took a nap up there. We were sitting on the couch watching TV. After a while, she woke up and decided she wanted to come down. But she couldn't figure out how to get down. She kept attempting to climb over the outside. Then she tried to come down through the trap door. The she sat up there and howled because she couldn't get down. We decided to keep an eye on her and just let her work it out. This went on for about an hour. Finally, I was ready for bed. I couldn't take it any more, and couldn't coax her down. I had to get up on a chair and lift her out of the crows nest. Kitty was stuck! She's back up there right now, and it looks like she's getting ready to do the same thing. She keeps crying. That ought to make for a long day for her when we leave the house!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Busy kitty
So ever since the kitty tree house arrived, Miss Tulip has been very busy. I'm so thrilled with how fearless she is. She runs up and down that thing like it's nothing. You can see that she thoroughly enjoys playing on it.
I was out yesterday afternoon. When I came home, she didn't greet me at the top of the stairs like she normally does. When I got up the stairs, I saw a sleepy little face pop up out of the crows nest on the tree house. Kitty was napping 6 feet up at the top of the tree house! I left her up there and went into the other room to talk to Eve. Suddenly Tulip was sitting next to us. She found her way back down just fine without any help. We didn't hear a thud, so she must not have fallen out, thankfully. What a little acrobat!
I've noticed that she is much more interactive with us now. The tree house is standing right next to the couch so she has something to jump down on. Quite often she will come lay down on the couch next to me after she's done playing. I'm so happy. She really seems to be enjoying herself.
I was out yesterday afternoon. When I came home, she didn't greet me at the top of the stairs like she normally does. When I got up the stairs, I saw a sleepy little face pop up out of the crows nest on the tree house. Kitty was napping 6 feet up at the top of the tree house! I left her up there and went into the other room to talk to Eve. Suddenly Tulip was sitting next to us. She found her way back down just fine without any help. We didn't hear a thud, so she must not have fallen out, thankfully. What a little acrobat!
I've noticed that she is much more interactive with us now. The tree house is standing right next to the couch so she has something to jump down on. Quite often she will come lay down on the couch next to me after she's done playing. I'm so happy. She really seems to be enjoying herself.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Kitty Christmas
Miss Tulip had quite a surprise for Christmas. Besides the king-sized bed we got her, our friend Caprice hooked her up with a gigantic kitty tree house. I thought she would be really afraid of it at first. That lasted for about half an hour. As you can see, she's finding her way around on it pretty well. I should mention that she has already taken a 4 foot nosedive out of it though. After we checked her out and she got over the shock of it all, she got back up to the top of it and I showed her how to get back down. We'll see how it goes. I still have a fit every time she gets up there. If nothing else, she's adventurous!
All ready for a slumber party now.

Finally, I can scratch without getting yelled at!

Look at me way up high!

I have a trapdoor.

We hope everyone else is having as great of a Christmas as we are! Happy Holidays!
All ready for a slumber party now.

Finally, I can scratch without getting yelled at!

Look at me way up high!

I have a trapdoor.

We hope everyone else is having as great of a Christmas as we are! Happy Holidays!
Monday, December 24, 2007
On Saturday we had plans that involved meeting up with different friends all over the place. It was quite a feat of coordination. Our final stop in our travels was at Eve's parents' house. We would normally just spend the night, but we didn't want to leave kitty all by herself. We ended up getting back home at about 2 AM. Tulip kitty spent pretty much the entire day (and half the night) alone. I wasn't worried about her getting into any trouble. I just didn't want her to be sad since she's used to having someone with her pretty much all the time. When we came through the door, she greeted us at the top of the stairs with a little chirp. She was totally fine. She didn't even seem to notice how long we had been gone. I guess the battery on her little watch must have stopped. :)
Friday, December 21, 2007
No rest for the wicked
I think Tulip and Eve were determined to not let me sleep last night. I went to bed before everyone else. I was dreaming away when the rest of the crew piled into bed. Kitty and Eve started playing with the birdie, which would have been cute if it weren't 2:00 in the morning. Of course I immediately yelled at them, so we all went to sleep.
Along comes 4 AM and Tulip is messing around on Eve's nightstand. She's batting the lip balm around. She's playing with the pull-chain on the lamp. She's walking around on top of the CD player. She's clawing at the baskets on the shelf below her. This is met with, "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRR*#$@!!" from me. So Eve shoos her off the nightstand.
Off the nightstand she comes, and over onto me. I'm laying on my side, so she proceeds to do a wobbly balancing act on my hip. For like 5 minutes. She finally falls off and decides it's time to investigate my nightstand now. Ting, ting, ting, creeeeek, bang, scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch, ting, ting, ting, ting, ting, ting, thud.
Tulip comes back onto the bed where she discovers the birdie which Eve had hidden under the covers. Tap, tap, tap, scratch, om, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom...
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. Oh look. Time to get up. *sigh*
Along comes 4 AM and Tulip is messing around on Eve's nightstand. She's batting the lip balm around. She's playing with the pull-chain on the lamp. She's walking around on top of the CD player. She's clawing at the baskets on the shelf below her. This is met with, "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRR*#$@!!" from me. So Eve shoos her off the nightstand.
Off the nightstand she comes, and over onto me. I'm laying on my side, so she proceeds to do a wobbly balancing act on my hip. For like 5 minutes. She finally falls off and decides it's time to investigate my nightstand now. Ting, ting, ting, creeeeek, bang, scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch, ting, ting, ting, ting, ting, ting, thud.
Tulip comes back onto the bed where she discovers the birdie which Eve had hidden under the covers. Tap, tap, tap, scratch, om, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom...
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. Oh look. Time to get up. *sigh*
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Short but sweet
I wouldn't normally post 2 videos in a day, but this one cracked me up for some reason. Just three brief seconds of kitty punkiness, popping out from behind the couch.
Someone is spoiled! Caprice gave Tulip kitty one of those feather duster type toys. At first she didn't really know what to do with it. That is until Eve discovered that if you flap it up and down it sounds like a bird flying around the house. Kitty flipped out when she heard that! It's now at the top of her favorites list. Here she is hunting her new "birdie".
Monday, December 17, 2007
I'm on to you, kitty!
On Saturday morning, Tulip kitty bit the crap out of my hand. Twice. Apparently I'm a really slow learner. With that in mind, I decided that I'm not going to touch her anymore unless she touches me. (Yeah right. Like I can resist.) For the rest of the day Saturday and most of Sunday, I basically left her alone. She was visibly confused by this. She'd come stand next to me and wait for me to reach down and pet her. When I didn't, she'd look at me as if to say, "Hey! Where's my pet?" Then she realized that if she wanted a pet, she had to rub up against me herself. So she did. Often. It's pretty funny. So far it seems to be working out. She's been very sweet ever since I started this. She even comes up and sticks her little nose right in my face for a kiss once in a while.
Maybe the scrimshaw on the back of my hand can finally heal up now.
Maybe the scrimshaw on the back of my hand can finally heal up now.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Spoon me
Tulip heard me tossing and turning this morning, so she jumped up onto the bed with a little chirp. She came over and stuck her face right in mine and waited for a couple pets. After I petted her, she plopped herself down next to me and crammed her back into my stomach. Then she curled up and went back to sleep, as content as could be. I couldn't sleep, but it was nice feeling her there. I kept thinking about the fact that this wild little creature loves us somehow. She has an odd way of showing it sometimes, but she loves us. It's funny how much they can express without talking. She's a good friend.
Monday, December 10, 2007
While Eve was out of town, I decided it might be nice to finally repair the broken hinge on her bathroom cabinet. It's only been broken for something like a year and a half. Mostly I've just been dreading the trip to Home Depot.
I finally went to get the hinge. When I got home, I went right to work on fixing it. Kitty was very eager to assist. I had already taken the door off so I could take the broken hinge with me for comparison. All I had to do was re-drill the screw holes (Why would they line up? That would be way too easy.) I drilled the new holes, then started screwing the hinges onto the door. Tulip stuck her nose on the back of my hand to see what I was doing and kept it there while I tightened up the screws. It was pretty funny. She wouldn't back off, even though I was hitting her in the nose as I tightened down the screws. She was standing on the door, helping out. When I put the door in place, she was right there supervising too. She helped me level the door. Kitty's a big helper! Now if I could just get her to put some shelves up for me...
I finally went to get the hinge. When I got home, I went right to work on fixing it. Kitty was very eager to assist. I had already taken the door off so I could take the broken hinge with me for comparison. All I had to do was re-drill the screw holes (Why would they line up? That would be way too easy.) I drilled the new holes, then started screwing the hinges onto the door. Tulip stuck her nose on the back of my hand to see what I was doing and kept it there while I tightened up the screws. It was pretty funny. She wouldn't back off, even though I was hitting her in the nose as I tightened down the screws. She was standing on the door, helping out. When I put the door in place, she was right there supervising too. She helped me level the door. Kitty's a big helper! Now if I could just get her to put some shelves up for me...
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Meeting Caprice
Caprice came over to have a few beers with me on Friday night. Evie was out of town, so I was pretty mellow and just wanted to relax. While we were kicking back Miss Tulip kitty was very interested in the whole situation. Caprice isn't especially loud, so I think that helped Tulip relax. Caprice also happens to be fantastic with animals, so I was really hoping kitty would check her out.
As we sat around talking, we pretty much ignored kitty. She stuck her head out from behind the couch to "have a look" at Caprice. Then she came to the other end of the couch to investigate from there. Then she came out an flopped herself on the rug by me, listening in on our conversation. Finally she decided it was safe enough to start showing off for Caprice. She was rolling all around on the rug. Then it was up and over the arm of the couch. Then she was on top of the subwoofer for the surround sound. What a ham! She let Caprice get as close as a touch on the nose. Not quite as much as I had hoped for, but her behavior is interesting. She is certainly opening herself up to people a bit more. One of these days she's going to make friends with someone. I can hardly wait to see who she chooses.
As we sat around talking, we pretty much ignored kitty. She stuck her head out from behind the couch to "have a look" at Caprice. Then she came to the other end of the couch to investigate from there. Then she came out an flopped herself on the rug by me, listening in on our conversation. Finally she decided it was safe enough to start showing off for Caprice. She was rolling all around on the rug. Then it was up and over the arm of the couch. Then she was on top of the subwoofer for the surround sound. What a ham! She let Caprice get as close as a touch on the nose. Not quite as much as I had hoped for, but her behavior is interesting. She is certainly opening herself up to people a bit more. One of these days she's going to make friends with someone. I can hardly wait to see who she chooses.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Long day
Long time, no update
Sorry, I've been pretty quiet this week. It's been a really busy week, and Miss Tulip hasn't been up to that much. She's becoming more interested in coming up on the couch with us when we sit there. She usually doesn't stay, but she comes up to say hi.
This morning she and I played another round of rug surfing in the hallway. I think I wrote about this before, where she gets a running start then pounces on the rug, making it slide down the hallway. This weekend I'll see if I can get that on video. It's pretty funny.
Nothing else exciting comes to mind. However, I'm sure kitty will do something ridiculously cute any time now. She always does!
This morning she and I played another round of rug surfing in the hallway. I think I wrote about this before, where she gets a running start then pounces on the rug, making it slide down the hallway. This weekend I'll see if I can get that on video. It's pretty funny.
Nothing else exciting comes to mind. However, I'm sure kitty will do something ridiculously cute any time now. She always does!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Lap cat
Yesterday I was sitting on the couch all day doing homework. We had the sliding door open, so it was freezing in our house. Tulip was all huddled up on the run, trying to stay warm. I reached down and snatched her up off the floor, plopping her on my blanket. Amazingly she didn't bite me. She curled up in my lap and slept, nice and cozy. When I got up and disturbed her, she followed me around the house to see what I was up to. When I got back on the couch, she jumped back up too. She tap danced all over my textbooks for a few minutes then nested herself into my blanket again. Awww. Is kitty turning into a lap cat?
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