I have this plastic drawer organizer, and of course my blind little Tulip Kitty finds it underneath the computer table. She would plop herself on top of there and sit while I work at the desk. Well, she'd leave kitty funk (hair, dirt, and unidentifiable nasties) on there, and so I decided to stack papers and whatnot on top of the organizer to prevent her from getting on there.
It worked. Well, for about a few weeks. Part of that time, I would also work from the dining room table, so I wasn't always in the office. Today, I decided that I'd go back to the office to work. I set my laptops up as I liked and began working. She took a nap on the bed first, and then started walking around the office. I subconsciously noticed her under the desk but didn't think anything of it, since my pile of crap was still on the organizer and I had no fear of my pile being disturbed.
Some time goes by and I hear shifts of movement. Thinking that it was impossible that she'd be on top of the entire pile was ludicrous, so I chock it all up to her just messing around the thing. But out of curiosity and the need to confirm my suspicions, I looked under the desk and beheld a cat at face-level. She had climbed on top of the pile, which only had a 10-inch clearance with the keyboard tray pulled all the way out. Had the tray been pushed in, she would have had almost 4 inches less.
My surprise and disappointment of my foiled plan was quickly replaced with chuckles of disbelief. See the pictures of her contentment as she defiantly sits where she considers to be her spot and there's nothing anyone can do about it!