
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

New game

Eve invented a new game to play with Tulip and her new catnip ball. In our front entrance is a fairly long, steep staircase that leads up to our living space from the front door. Eve goes down to the bottom of the stairs. Tulip sits somewhere around the middle of the staircase. Eve throws the ball up to the top of the stairs where it bounces off the wall and bounces back downstairs. Kitty likes to chase the ball up and down the stairs. Sometimes she'll swat the ball out of the air as it passes over her. Sometimes she runs up and down the stairs after it. Sometimes she just sits there and listens to it bouncing around. Sometimes when we're all upstairs, she'll pick up the ball in her little mouth and head downstairs with it. Then she'll howl until someone comes down to play with her. Not that she's spoiled or anything.

Must set up video cameras all around the house...

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