
Thursday, August 30, 2007


Tulip kitty is an interesting character to live with. We've been together for a few months now. She tolerates us pretty well. Although sometimes it feels a bit like she's just tolerating us. She's very sweet and affectionate, in her own way. She comes by and rubs up against us and lets out a little chirp when she feels like a pet. However, she doesn't like to be petted a lot. I pick her up and hug her every day, which she hates but puts up with. She likes to play. She doesn't really like to sleep with us, but she does it once in a while. Mostly she likes to sleep alone, then come visit when the alarm goes off. She likes to sit close by, but doesn't want to be touched. She's SO independent!

I wonder how different things would be if she could see us. I wonder if she thinks my hand is some other creature touching her, and that's why she sometimes attacks. I wonder how much more we could communicate with her if we could look into each other's eyes.

She's a great cat. She seems to be happy. She's definitely well taken care of (or spoiled as the case may be). I'm glad we found each other. Even if she is a little punk! =^..^=

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