
Friday, August 17, 2007

Darn fan!

Our house has been blazing hot, but neither of us really care for air-conditioning. We usually run the ceiling fans instead. Last night we had the ceiling fans going as well as a window fan, so the air was blowing around in every direction.

In the middle of the night, Tulip kitty decided to come up on the bed. She came over to me, got some pets, then laid down with her back up against me. Then she noticed the air blowing on her. She seems to be really confused by the fans. She feels something touching her, but can't find what it is. She kept reaching out with her paw, swatting at the air. It was driving her crazy. She finally settled down after I rested my hand on her.

When she woke up this morning, the fans were ticking her off again. She started in with the swatting, and got herself so worked up that she bit me. Why am I always the target of her frustration? Punk!

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