Eve invented a new game to play with Tulip and her new catnip ball. In our front entrance is a fairly long, steep staircase that leads up to our living space from the front door. Eve goes down to the bottom of the stairs. Tulip sits somewhere around the middle of the staircase. Eve throws the ball up to the top of the stairs where it bounces off the wall and bounces back downstairs. Kitty likes to chase the ball up and down the stairs. Sometimes she'll swat the ball out of the air as it passes over her. Sometimes she runs up and down the stairs after it. Sometimes she just sits there and listens to it bouncing around. Sometimes when we're all upstairs, she'll pick up the ball in her little mouth and head downstairs with it. Then she'll howl until someone comes down to play with her. Not that she's spoiled or anything.
Must set up video cameras all around the house...
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Hot kitty
Our house has been really damn hot the last few days. When I came home last night, Eve was out. The house was closed up and it was a steambath in here. I put all the ceiling fans on and opened up the sliding door to the deck. I put a portable fan in the doorway to pull in the cool air. Tulip kitty had to go right over and check out the fan. She stuck her face right in front of it, then jumped when the wind hit her. She did this several times. Then she sat there (I mean RIGHT in front of the fan) and let the wind blow in her face for a few seconds. After that, she plopped herself down on the floor about 5 feet from it and went to sleep. Her little whiskers were flapping in the breeze. It was too cute. I guess kitty was hot! It's interesting that she still has an incredibly heavy coat, even in the summer. Our previous cat's coat used to thin out quite a bit in the summer. I can hardly wait to see what Tulip looks like in the winter.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
New toys
Here are some pictures of Tulip's new presents from Jan. Kitty is enjoying some fresh catnip and her catnip-filled chicken and ball. She has been batting these all over the house for the past couple of days. I'd say they're a hit. Thanks, Jan!

I especially like this one. I can't believe I caught her at a full gallop down the hallway after her ball. She chases this thing at top speed at all times. So far there haven't been any crashing-into-the-wall incidents.

I especially like this one. I can't believe I caught her at a full gallop down the hallway after her ball. She chases this thing at top speed at all times. So far there haven't been any crashing-into-the-wall incidents.

Kitty likes to blog
Monday, July 23, 2007
Kitty presents
Tulip kitty made an attempt at meeting Ray and Jan. While they were around over the weekend, she poked her head out a few times. When we were all out relaxing on the deck, she made a brief appearance outside. She even let me pick her up and hold her so Jan could pet her for a second (literally). She tried her little, fuzzy best to be a good hostess.
Jan is a real animal lover. While we were out sightseeing, we swung by a PetSmart because she wanted to get Tulip a present. We came home with a live catnip plant. Tulip loved it. She immediately knocked it over and rolled on it. She keeps dragging it around the living room. I'd say it was a hit. She also got a birdie catnip toy. She hasn't seen this one yet. I was hoping that she'd warm up to Jan and Ray a bit more than she did, and that they could give it to her. It didn't pan out that way, but she did well.
When we all got home one afternoon, we didn't know where Tulip was. We all spread out looking for her (as if our house is so big). I ended up finding her on the bed in the office, sitting next to my open laptop that I accidentally left there. It looked like she was working on her blog. :) She let Ray get close enough to take her picture while she was laying there. Hopefully he'll send that to us so we can post it here.
Jan is a real animal lover. While we were out sightseeing, we swung by a PetSmart because she wanted to get Tulip a present. We came home with a live catnip plant. Tulip loved it. She immediately knocked it over and rolled on it. She keeps dragging it around the living room. I'd say it was a hit. She also got a birdie catnip toy. She hasn't seen this one yet. I was hoping that she'd warm up to Jan and Ray a bit more than she did, and that they could give it to her. It didn't pan out that way, but she did well.
When we all got home one afternoon, we didn't know where Tulip was. We all spread out looking for her (as if our house is so big). I ended up finding her on the bed in the office, sitting next to my open laptop that I accidentally left there. It looked like she was working on her blog. :) She let Ray get close enough to take her picture while she was laying there. Hopefully he'll send that to us so we can post it here.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Here's Tulip kitty having a taste of her tiger toy. I'm not the only thing she likes to bite.

On a side note, Ray and Jan arrived last night. They stopped by for a quick visit before heading off to the next county for a hotel room (long story). Tulip actually decided to come out and investigate soon after they arrived. I was quite surprised. She ended up hiding under the bed after that, but she's definitely getting braver. We'll see how things go when they come back.

On a side note, Ray and Jan arrived last night. They stopped by for a quick visit before heading off to the next county for a hotel room (long story). Tulip actually decided to come out and investigate soon after they arrived. I was quite surprised. She ended up hiding under the bed after that, but she's definitely getting braver. We'll see how things go when they come back.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Good kitty
I was just sitting here at work thinking of the littlest tiger. She's such a good kitty. Last night I was completely exhausted from a really bad run. I fell asleep almost the second I crawled into bed. I woke up a few hours later to find Tulip snuggled up in the crook of my aching legs. Somehow they felt a little better with her there. She really knows how to cheer a girl up.
My brother and his wife are arriving today for a quick visit. Hopefully they'll actually get to see Tulip at some point. I hope she'll come out and meet them. They don't bite. I promise!
My brother and his wife are arriving today for a quick visit. Hopefully they'll actually get to see Tulip at some point. I hope she'll come out and meet them. They don't bite. I promise!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
ASL tiger
Just for fun, I decided to find out what the American Sign Language sign for tiger is. Judging from this picture, I guess this guy has heard about Tulip kitty.

The picture came from ASL University.

The picture came from ASL University.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Home alone
Tulip kitty spent her first night home alone. We went to Eve's parents' house on Saturday and just got home a little while ago. I was very relieved to see that she hadn't gotten into any trouble. Nothing was broken, she was content and didn't hurt herself on anything. Good kitty! She's been quite affectionate ever since we walked in the door. I'm guessing she'll end up sharing my pillow tonight. At least I hope so
I missed her so much. I kept thinking about her the whole time we were gone. Mostly I was worried she'd get bored and get into trouble. But it also made me sad that she might be lonely. It was really nice to find that she was no worse for the wear. I'm so proud of her. She's a good baby!
I missed her so much. I kept thinking about her the whole time we were gone. Mostly I was worried she'd get bored and get into trouble. But it also made me sad that she might be lonely. It was really nice to find that she was no worse for the wear. I'm so proud of her. She's a good baby!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
I Can Has Squidoo Lens?
Check out my new Squidoo lens that features my funny cat videos. If you like, rate it! But you'll need a squidoo account to rate it, unfortunately. Anyways, I hope you enjoy visiting my lens. I want to tell the whole world what a lucky kitty I am! And did I mention funny?
Mischief the sequel
This morning I woke up to find that not only was Tulip dumping things off the shelf of the nightstand. This time she figured out that she could squeeze herself up in there (it's like a wide cubby hole). She climbed right in there and starting shoving things out. Punk! At least she waited until 6 AM today. She must have been tired this morning.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Early morning mischief
Kitty has discovered that the nightstands have lower shelves (where we happen to keep a lot of stuff). Her new early morning pass-time is to reach up and pull things off of my shelf, letting them drop on the hardwood floor. She thinks it's great fun listening to my watch, my cell phone, coins, the TV remote, etc. fall and roll around. Me? Not so much, especially at 3:30 AM. It's a good thing our neighbor downstairs is deaf as a doornail. Once she's done emptying off my shelf, she heads over to Eve's nightstand to do the same thing. Eve has 2 small wicker baskets on her shelf that she keeps everything in. So far Tulip hasn't discovered that she can pull those down too. Mostly she just nibbles on the baskets. She's a busy girl in the morning.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Kitty likes music
Tulip kitty has been extra sweet since I returned from Boston. She's been sleeping on the bed every night. A few times she has woken up in the middle of the night and started licking my hand because she wanted some pets. Awww.
Eve has been really working on getting her to realize that Tulip is her name. She's started to respond a lot more when we call her. We're still working on the "come here when I call you" thing. It's cute though. She's becoming a lot more interactive with us, even when it's not play time.
Last night when I got home from work, it was just Tulip and I for the evening. We were hanging out in the office drinking beer and listening to some music. She seemed to like the music. She laid there sprawled out next to the speakers with her head back and that semi-smile look about her (Like the face she's making in the sandstorm post). She was definitely listening, and seemed to be enjoying herself. It really makes me wonder what she thinks of everything. Her world is an interesting place.
Eve has been really working on getting her to realize that Tulip is her name. She's started to respond a lot more when we call her. We're still working on the "come here when I call you" thing. It's cute though. She's becoming a lot more interactive with us, even when it's not play time.
Last night when I got home from work, it was just Tulip and I for the evening. We were hanging out in the office drinking beer and listening to some music. She seemed to like the music. She laid there sprawled out next to the speakers with her head back and that semi-smile look about her (Like the face she's making in the sandstorm post). She was definitely listening, and seemed to be enjoying herself. It really makes me wonder what she thinks of everything. Her world is an interesting place.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Long time, no post
I have been out of town for the last few days. My dad just turned 80, so I flew out to Boston to spend a long weekend with him. Man, did I miss the little tiger. When I got home last night, she greeted me at the top of the stairs. I gave her a couple of quick pets, then sat down to inhale some dinner. She came over and rubbed her head all over me while I ate. When we went to bed she crawled up and snuggled up next to me all night. I guess she missed me too. :)
It's nice to be loved.
It's nice to be loved.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Bow chicka bow bow!
I was typing away on my laptop while on the bed in the second room. Tulip decided to join me on the bed. She was laying on Wyatt. Once in a while she would bite and kick him with her hind legs. Harmless fun, I thought. But then...while engrossed in my work on the computer, I see some very unusual action going on from the corner of my eye.
I turn to look and I was perplexed, trying to make out what she was doing. Essentially, she had Wyatt's ear in her mouth. She was hunch over him like a ball, and she would make regular motions of scooting forward then sitting on him. While sitting on him, Tulip would be moving her ass vigorously. Need I describe more? That was enough already.
I felt so dirty!
I turn to look and I was perplexed, trying to make out what she was doing. Essentially, she had Wyatt's ear in her mouth. She was hunch over him like a ball, and she would make regular motions of scooting forward then sitting on him. While sitting on him, Tulip would be moving her ass vigorously. Need I describe more? That was enough already.
I felt so dirty!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Lounge lizzard
When I left the house this morning, Tulip kitty was sitting in front of the open sliding door enjoying the breeze. The house has been roasting the last couple of days, so Eve opened the door to give her some air. She was sprawled out on the floor, sniffing the cool air just as content as could be. Must be nice! I'd like to be her, just for a day.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
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