
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Rough night

Tulip kitty had a bit of a rough night last night. I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. She came along with me as usual. Very often when I go in there, she comes along and uses the litterbox too. There’s nothing like a little togetherness!

Anyway, I flushed the toilet and got back in bed while she was still in the litterbox. I didn’t even give it a thought. I don’t know if the sound of the toilet scared her or what, but she totally freaked out. She came shooting out of the litterbox, couldn’t figure out which way to go and crashed into about every wall, corner and door in the room before running off into the living room.

Poor kitty. She was okay, but she was SO scared. She hid under the couch for a while. I finally coaxed her out and got her to follow me back to the bedroom. I put her up on the bed, but she was already spooked. She decided she was afraid of the blanket and got down. She was still roaming around the bedroom and bathroom investigating when I fell back to sleep.

She seems fine this morning, but I really worry about her running into things. She hit her head really hard! I’m pretty sure I don’t need a cat with a concussion. I guess I won’t make that mistake again.


Unknown said...

Poor little Tulip. I can only imagine having to go to the restroom half asleep and not knowing what just growled (or flushed at! That is classic. How Tulip isn't too traumatized everytime the toilet flushes! Good Job Renee! (j/k)


Raynay said...

I know, I"m a bad mother. :)