
Monday, September 10, 2007

Homework helper

Yesterday I did homework ALL day. I was camped out on the couch reading when the little screamers started filing into the pool area. I couldn't hear myself think, so I hauled everything into the office on the opposite side of the house. I sprawled out on the spare bed in there. After a while, Tulip decided to hang out with me. I coaxed her up onto the bed with her string toy. She played with that for a while then curled up next to me to nap. Several hours into reading, my eyelids were getting pretty heavy. I laid down next to her with my face right on her and fell asleep. When I woke up, she hadn't budged. I thought for sure I'd end up with a face full of claws, but she was an angel. She let me pet her. She let me give her a kiss. She let out one of her little squeaky chirps while she stretched. Then she went back to sleep. AWWWWWWWWWWW. When she finally woke up, she came and sat next to me while I worked. She just sat there and watched. She put up with a lot of petting. I didn't hear any purring, but she seemed pretty content. She definitely made the homework less painful. I think she's finally warming up to the idea of being close to me. She seems to be starting to understand what affection is all about.

1 comment:

ilovetowritemore said...

Miss Tulip's affection is awesome. I could tell from what you wrote she loves you and Eve very much. Y'all are so great to her. She's extremely fortunate to have you two in her life.