
Monday, June 4, 2007

Fangy McFangums

Tulip has been biting me a lot lately. However, I finally realized that most of the time it's my own fault. Imagine that! I don't always give a lot of thought to the fact that she can't see. I've noticed that I walk up to her and pet her without much warning. She doesn't always realize I'm right there, doesn't see me reaching for her, then probably thinks she's being attacked. Fangs out! I'm going to have to get myself a little bell so she knows where I am. Either that or one of those falconry gloves so I can pet her without making a blood donation.


Anonymous said...

Hi I read your blog after seeing your cats video on YouTube. I'm happy she has found a caring family.

About the problem in this post. Why don't you speak to your cat when you're nearing her (preferably while mentioning her name, so she's sure your attention is on her)? That way she'll be warned that you're coming to her.

Raynay said...

Thanks for your comment. I talk to her quite a lot, actually. She's very responsive. The problem is that even when she knows I'm there, she doesn't necessarily know I'm about to pet her. I've gotten into the habit of rubbing my fingers together (sort of semi-snapping them) as I'm reaching for her so she can hear me coming. It seems to be helping.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope to be more frequent with the goofy videos, so please check back!