
Monday, September 17, 2007

A little help here

Eve and I did a race in Los Angeles on Saturday, so we left the house quite early. We got home around 4:00 in the afternoon. When we came in from the garage, Tulip kitty was not at the top of the stairs to greet us. We thought she might be napping somewhere. We called her, but she didn't come running. I started to panic a little. Eve and I ran around the house looking for her under furniture and everywhere else. Eve finally found her sitting on top of the desk in the office. Eve purposely leaves the chair pulled out so that Tulip kitty can't get up there. I didn't know that little detail, so I pushed it in. Well, she got up there and couldn't figure out how to get down. We have no idea how long she was there, but she was waiting patiently for one of us to find her and put her down. Crazy cat! Good thing we didn't leave for the weekend!


ilovetowritemore said...

I thought cats could jump up and down great heights. How tall is your desk, the one Tulip kitty managed to jump on top of but couldn't figure out a way down and had to wait until one of you found and rescued her. Poor dear!

Raynay said...

Hi, Cindy!. She can jump like you read about. The problem is that she hasn't been up there before, so she was very unsure of her surroundings. I guess she wasn't able to judge where the chair was to get back down. I think she would have gone for it sooner or later.